Extract from the Municipal Personal Records (BRP)

With an extract from the Personal Records Database (BRP) you can prove that you are registered in our municipality. It shows your name, date and place of birth, address and your citizen service number. Depending on why you need the extract, it may contain other details too.

Make a request

You can make a request at the municipality where you are listed. You pay at the moment of the request. Please mention why you need the extract so we know which data should be listed on the extract.

You can make a digital request (you will need your DigiD code). 

Keep the following in mind

  • It is possible to collect the BRP on behalf of someone else. You will need a written approval and a valid ID of yourself and of the other person.
  • There are other extracts from the BRP, like zoals a Proof of life certificate or a Proof of Dutch citizenship.
  • The extract from the BRP is often mixed up with the extract for the Civil Register.
  • An extract from the BRP is not required when you register your children at a school. During registration the school needs a few data of the student, like the civil service number, name of birth, date of birth and sex. These data are listed on the passport or ID of the student.

Rates and terms

An extract form the BRP costs €11,40 (rate 2023). If you requested an extract online, we will send it within 5 (working)days. If you made an appointment to do a request in person at the city hall, you receive the extract immediately.