Refugees or aliens passport

Refugees living in the Netherlands can apply for a refugee passport to the municipality. If you do not have Dutch nationality but live in the Netherlands, you can apply for a foreign passport.

The refugee or aliens passport is valid in all countries except in your country of origin. Children from 14 years old must be able to identify themselves in the Netherlands.

Conditions for refugee passport 

The conditions for a refugee passport are:

  • You have a refugee status for certain or indefinite periods (type III or IV).
  • You do not have Dutch nationality.
  • You are enrolled in the basic registration of persons (BRP) of the municipality where you apply for the refugee passport.
  • Don't you have a refugee status? Then request an aliens passport.

The terms for an aliens passport are:

  • You have a valid residence permit type I or II.
  • Your own country does not give you a passport.
  • You are registered in the basic registration of persons (BRP).


To request the passport, you can digitally make an appointment via the links below. During the application, an appointment is scheduled to retrieve the passport.

When you request a refugee or aliens passport you take along:

  • Your valid residence permit
  • All your travel documents, even if they have expired
  • 1 colour photo that complies with the requirements
  • Possibly: your expired aliens passport

Do you apply for a passport for a child under 18? Then bring the child to the appointment. In addition to the above, you should include your own passport or ID-card and written permission from both parents or guardians.


A refugee or aliens passport costs: €63,40. Do you want to apply for a passport urgently? Then you pay €57,05 extra (rates 2024). 


A refugee or aliens passport can be obtained from the municipality after 5 working days. The municipality can forward your application for a refugee or aliens passport to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). Then it takes longer before you can retrieve your passport.